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Boortz Quotes by Neal Boortz

" 2007 when it comes to politicians, there is no difference in spending between Republicans and Democrats.  The difference is in how they finance their spending binges.  Democrats tax and Republicans borrow.  So basically either you pay or your kids will pay.  Some choice."
Neal Boortz

"A friend of one of the teens gives us this "he was a good teen who fell in with a bad crowd" crap. Horsesqueeze. Good teens don't fall in with bad crowds. Bad teens fall in with bad crowds."
Neal Boortz

"Bragging about your kid being an honor student in a government school is somewhat like bragging that your dog pees outdoors."
Neal Boortz

"I think that homosexual sex is normal ... for homosexuals ... and thus is not by definition immoral.   It is my firm belief that sexual orientation is a matter of genetics, not choice .. and that homosexuals are born that way.  In other words ... God created them as homosexuals."
Neal Boortz

"A new study says that the poor received $8.21 in government spending compared to the rich only receiving .41 in government for each dollar of taxes paid in 2004. So...despite the fact that they benefit the most from government spending, they're still poor. We always hear about how the war in Iraq is going about the war on poverty? Looks like a quagmire to me."
Neal Boortz

"The left always tells us we need the U.N. as a place for countries to settle international disputes. Tell me just one international dispute the UN has settled! It's a sounding board for third-world anti-Americanism. Nothing more."
Neal Boortz

"Just why do leftists love to play up this "gap" so much? Well, it's because they believe that income is "distributed," not earned. That's where they get the phrase "income redistribution". Wealth distribution is a function of government. Earning wealth is an individual pursuit. The Democrat Party is the party of big government, not the party of individualism. Democrats like to play up how much more money the rich have than the poor because it forms a basis for their drive to redistribute that wealth by taxing the rich more and more to pay for vote-buying government programs for the poor, poor pitiful poor.
One thing you will never ... and I mean NEVER ... see in a leftist-inspired piece on the gap between the evil rich and the sainted poor is the fact that there is a great deal of mobility between these groups. Every single year people who were once listed as poor move into the realm of the rich, while those once-rich find themselves scratching to pay the bills. In other words, the opportunities to become rich are out there, and people take advantage of those opportunities every day. The opportunities to make poor choices are also out there, and that's one reason why people slip into the lower income brackets. Thus it has always been, and thus it shall always be. "
Neal Boortz

"Just how is a college campus that much different than our society as a whole?  Diverse people living together in common environment pursuing different goals.  Where's the big difference? "
Neal Boortz

"Surrender -- comply -- adjust.  The doctrine of the left."
Neal Boortz

"The gun control movement in this country should never be taken seriously until the they tell us just how they plan to get the guns out of the hands of the criminals.  Gun control advocates only have a plan for getting the guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, yet they're taken seriously.  "
Neal Boortz

"What was the reality on Monday at Virginia Tech?  A law-abiding student with a concealed carry permit could not bring a gun on campus.  A student not caring about the law but intent on mayhem could."
Neal Boortz

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Paul Burns

Atlanta, Georgia, USA

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